Friday, November 25, 2011

Meet Michelle...

Michelle is my matron of honor. You should know this is the second version of my "Michelle" post. The first one was too sappy. As it turns out, that can be tough to avoid when you love someone as much as I love her. We're going to try it again and keep it lighthearted. Some things you might like to know about Michelle:

1. She is my cousin. In our lifetimes, Michelle and I have spent almost every single major holiday together at our grandmother's house. We used to play hide-and-go seek. Now we drink and take a lot of pictures of ourselves.

2. She introduced me to the Captain. That alone is reason enough to have her in the wedding. I'm kidding (sort of).

3. She is also a teacher, and I am confident this has made our bond stronger. No one "gets" what we do like other people who do it.

4. If you want to know the truth about something, you should ask Michelle. She's not a punch-puller, and it is one of the things I love most about her. Wedding dress shopping will be awesome.

5. I wore a floor-length, magenta gown (with a velvet bodice and taffeta skirt) when I was in Michelle's wedding. In her defense, it was a long time ago, and I may have helped her pick it out.

6. Nine times out of ten we'll order the same thing at a restaurant. I'll have what she's having.

7. When I lived in Seattle, we always got our hair cut and colored together. If I ever move back, it's on.

8. I love her kid. You'll get to read about him in a later "Meet Alexander..." ring bearer post.

9. For Christmas every year, we give our extended family pictures of the two of us together, even though we know our grandma is the only one who appreciates it.

10. She makes me happy and makes fun of my blog crazy.


  1. Man, that Michelle sounds awesome. I bet she's gonna love everything about this wedding. Although, calling her a "matron of honor" makes her sound super crazy...old.

  2. I think she sounds.. like crazy.. fun. She's like the matron of fun!
